Ponneri Agastheeswarar Temple (Thiruvallur - Tamil Nadu)

Remember the trip to have a look at Sausage Tree and Azhinjal Tree? Along with the visit to those 2 places, I also had a look at the main temple, Ponneri is known for.
Its the Shiva temple called Agastheeswarar Temple. His consort here is called Anandavalli. The sanctum sanctorum is in the beautiful architectural shape of Gaja Prashtam like that at Madambakkam Dhenupurishwarar Temple
On the outer wall of Sanctum Sactorum, behind the shrine, on either sides of the central section, are relief sculptures of Plough! Why plough? Well, plough in local language Tamizh is called 'Eeru'. Gold is tamil is called 'Pon'. Gold Plough would be Pon Eru which eventually became Ponneri, the name of the town!
Around the sanctum sanctorum are the shrines of Kalahasthiswarar, Abhithakujambal, Vinayaka, Naagam, Naanappoongothai, Valli Devasena Murugan, Brahma, Durga, and Havagraha. A Golden Shower flower tree was in full bloom in the temple permises.

One feature that I particularly noticed was the relief sculpture of Kannappa Nayanar in 2 places! One near the sanctum sanctorum and another in the mandapa outside the temple. 

More relief sculptures can be seen in the mandapa outside the temple. Also seen was a pretty big temple tank which was relatively clean, though not pristine! 
At a very short distance from here is a temple is a Vishnu Temple called Thiru Aai Paadi. Between the 2 temples is a road called HariHaran Bazaar street. Once a year, during temple festival, Shiva from Shiva Temple and Vishnu from Vishnu temple meet here!!!

The temple is located at a walkable distance from the Ponneri Bus stand.
From Chennai: 45 km via Puzhal, Redhills 
From Redhills: 21 km 
From Pulicat: 19 km
Google Coordinates: http://goo.gl/maps/INaJ2

Dedicated to Mom


An ardent traveler by passion. Being an ex - Art History Teacher, my area of interest especially lies in Nature and Heritage. Visited 85 UNESCO World Heritage sites as of June 2022. I've been listed among the Top 7 Women Travel Bloggers of India, Top 50 in UK. I have been interviewed in a couple of TV Shows, Radio Channels and Events as well. Read more about me and read the testimonials of different brands

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  1. Very interesting. There ought to be some story behind the golden plough.

    1. Ages ago such golden ploughes were used by important people to plough the land for the first time of each harvest season. One eg. such a event is at Lal Mahal, Pune where Shivaji & Jijabhai are seen with golden plough!

  2. Another lovely temple with interesting stories. Thanks for introducing such little known temples. Great work, Bhusha!


  3. nice info ...

    beautiful photos esp first one...


  4. Interesting observations and info-packed description. Nice.


  5. Good to know the explanation for the name 'Ponneri'. Maybe some farmers in those days were rich enough to own one?

    Destination Infinity

    1. No no.. Ages ago such golden ploughes were used by important people to plough the land for the first time of each harvest season. One eg. such a event is at Lal Mahal, Pune where Shivaji & Jijabhai are seen with golden plough!

  6. hey very nice photography even i am also interested in photography

    1. Thank you! Good to know you too like photography! :)

  7. Fantastic blog. i am happy to have this find. will be visiting you more often.
    you can visit my photography blog too at http://saurabhmittalphotography.blogspot.in/

    1. Thank you so much Saurabh for visiting and writing a comment too!
      Do visit often! :)

  8. temples in south India are so interesting!


  9. so interesting! The temples are so rich!!
    I just wish I could see it for myself


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