Gingee aka Chenji Fort (Villupuram - Tamil Nadu)

My First Ever (proper) Travelogue!
Well, ever since I was a school kid, I used to write about the places I visit (with my parents, at that time, ofcourse!) in a notebook. I wouldn't term those as travelogues. They were just pointers of what I saw in those places written in, well, bullet points! So what was the first ever decent travelogue that I wrote? No, its not the first post of this blog. Its this!!!!! 
I wrote it when I was in 11th grade about the trip to Chenji along with my entire batch for school excursion! It was published in the Tamil Magazine called Gokulam by the house of Kalki Magazines a decade ago in 2002!!!!
 Here's the coverpage of the magazine and the actual article! Its in Tamil.... 
Click to enlarge the image and read the article!!! 
Right click on open image in new tab to enlarge further more.


An ardent traveler by passion. Being an ex - Art History Teacher, my area of interest especially lies in Nature and Heritage. Visited 85 UNESCO World Heritage sites as of June 2022. I've been listed among the Top 7 Women Travel Bloggers of India, Top 50 in UK. I have been interviewed in a couple of TV Shows, Radio Channels and Events as well. Read more about me and read the testimonials of different brands

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  1. Great that you have actually kept a copy of your first article. I also used to write tavellogues when I was a kid, mostly on the vacations taken with my parents. They used to appear in our city's English daily. Unfortunately, I did not keep the copies and now I wish I had...especially remember the one I had written on Ajanta Ellora caves when I was in my 4th standard. Sigh.

    1. What?????? You wrote when you were in 4th std???!!! You should have kept them... Its such a beautiful feeling to see them after decades together!!! :)

  2. That is brilliant. I used to buy the english version of Gokulam during my school days.

    1. Good to know that. Now I'm getting to know many in our age group had bought Gokulam in their school days!

  3. What a treasure! Glad you preserved this. If I had something like this, It would be my first post. And the 5th, and the 8th, and the 23rd........ LOL!!

  4. Very nice. Indeed a treasure. :)

  5. Quite an achievement! Keep it going.

  6. Good to see this.
    It'll be very good if you resume your scribblings in Tamil as well!

    1. Thank you!!! Let's see. I still do 'write' write. But typing is where I get stuck up!!! :(

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Sudhir! All praise to my school!!! :) :)


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