Berliner Dom (Berlin - Germany)

As I said in the earlier post about the Island Museum, amongst the Museums is 1 Church called the Berliner Dom. This was built in 1894-1905. Earlier this was the site of a Baroque styled smaller church since 15th C. However the present building is new. 
However again in 1944, in WWII, it was damaged by a bomb and the dome, most of interiors and tombs were destroyed and was repaired in the following years which got completed in 1993. However the dome got completed only in 2002!!!

Soon after entering the church (that's through the side entrance) the first thing to see is the ceremonial sarcophagus for Prince Friedrick Wilhem and his 2nd wife Dorathea, near the entrance.

Coming into the Nave of the church, its one splendid structure. The dome is atop the nave and to see the stained glass circle atop from the ground below was beautiful. But what was more splendid was the mosaic works! On the dome, there are 8 panels depicting various scenes from the Sermon on the Mount. 

Atop the altar  are 4 mosaics of the 4 gospels. Apart from the mosaics there are also relief sculptures on the 4 corners of the nave, making this level octagonal,and the windows above it is 16 panelled. 

The organ is located opposite to the altar and just look at its sheer size with all its 7269 pipes. From its other side entrance is the way to go up. In the first floor is the King's Gallery and Queen's Galley. Here's also the Balcony Box. I was pretty much amused to see a Balcony concept like a theatre, in a church!!!

Further ahead begins the spiral staircase to reach atop. Unlike Copenhagen and Basel, the staircase here is pretty straight forward without much of wood work or sections. But then this is a very new church compared to those two. There are several doors along the way. It was about 270 stairs to reach atop. It was not tricky, just a wee bit tedious - that's it. So unless you're a total couch potato, this isn't a problem at all. The way up and the way down are 2 different ways here.

The view from atop is definitely spectacular! Esp those angels and celestial sculptures look great up close and the view of the Museum Island and the Spree around it and the spectacular German city of Berlin beyond it is just perfect!!!
Once down, you've gotta go further down to see the crypt where the tombs of important saints and members of royal family are put to rest!

To Get There:
Nearest bus stop: Lustgarden
Nearest Metro station: Hackescher Markt
Entry fee: €7 (not a part of Welcome Card)
Timings for dome tour: 9:00AM to 8:00PM 
Services: 10:00AM, 12:00 noon & 6:00PM
Dome tour isn't allowed during services & events

P.S: I was invited by Berliner Dom to experience it for review purposehowever the opinions are my own and this post does not to advertise the product/service.

Dedicated to Venkat


An ardent traveler by passion. Being an ex - Art History Teacher, my area of interest especially lies in Nature and Heritage. Visited 85 UNESCO World Heritage sites as of June 2022. I've been listed among the Top 7 Women Travel Bloggers of India, Top 50 in UK. I have been interviewed in a couple of TV Shows, Radio Channels and Events as well. Read more about me and read the testimonials of different brands

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  1. What a gorgeous church- the gold is absolutely stunning. I love the details on the sculptures and stained glass dome. And that is one massive organ! It's neat how the interior is filled with history but once you step outside everything looks so modern.

  2. It would have taken me forever to count all those 7269 pipes, I'm glad you did it for me! The church and architecture, attention to detail is incredible, It doesn't surprise me it took so long to restore it. The view from the top is spectacular and I love the wide angle shot you have provided, this is a good option for the city shot.

  3. WOW - what a beautiful church!! And I bet it looks even better in real life! So much time and detail must have gone into its construction and restoration. Added to our list of things to do when we visit Berlin this Summer, thanks for sharing, you have some great shots too.

  4. I never went inside this church when I was in Berlin. I did do a cycle tour and had my photo taken outside and it is stunning. I would love to visit inside, I had no idea it was so beautiful.

  5. The Dom is quite a sight and although I was there a while back I still remember it for its magnificence and architecture. Climbing up to catch the views on a clear day is a must no doubt. And that staircase is arty in its own sense.

  6. Wow- The Berliner Dom is a gorgeous church. I love the inside of the dome. And what an interesting history-- sounds like we are lucky it is still around. Great view of the city from up there.

  7. This is perfect timing, I'm actually going to Berlin in early May, so I'm glad I came across your post! The Berliner Dom is definitely on my list (it looks gorgeous!), it's good to know that it's not part of the Welcome Card scheme too!

  8. What wonderfully intricate artwork! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.

  9. When I visited Berlin I remember passing by the Berliner Dom and spending some time in the grass, in front of it. There were a lot of young Germans doing the same thing, just relaxing before the sunset. I didn't get a chance to get in because the mass was on but I wish I would after seeing all your beautiful photos.

  10. Awesome stuff! Thanks for the info. There's nowhere else like Berlin, that's for sure!

  11. Such beautiful architecture. There were many damaged buildings from WWII, so glad to see these finally restored. Even if it did take until 2002!

  12. Wow I didn't see a lot of this stuff when I was in Berlin. Sad I missed out on some amazing architecture! Will definitely have to go back, and not when it's so cold!

  13. Berlin is such a beautiful city! And that View!!! Loved your pic from the staircase as well... very rustic! :-)

  14. I haven't been to this side of Germany but it's on my list. From your photos, I can see it has a lot of interesting things to do and see. Gorgeous architecture too. :-)

  15. Amazing, grandeur architecture - I haven't been to Berlin and it always seemed to me so cold and concrete but those architectural gems are very pleasant, I must visit Berlin especially that I live quite close :)

  16. Beautiful photos and really interesting info! I can't believe it took them seventy something years to fully repair the dome... That is nuts. I haven't been to Berlin yet but when I do I will definitely check this out! So much history - I love it. Thanks for sharing

  17. This ia a must visit for art history lovers. Everything looks so exquisite and grand. The sacrophagus and the mosaic painting are beautiful. Hope to visit and and see it with my eyes some day. I was reminded of the Vatican Museums looking at the exquisite designs.

  18. Wow that is one spectacular church! The architectural style and design are fascinating - making it a must stop for photographers! Plus, that view from atop! So many reasons to visit this place!

  19. Berlin is a huge favourite of mine and I've always been transfixed by the Dom, especially the green roof! However I've never been inside and it is lovely to see it is just as impressive from that angle.

  20. This cathedral is magnificent. The dome is my favorite part - from inside the details look amazing! The altar is also awe-inspiring with the tall beams and the elaborate details!

  21. I love the view from the top. It reminds me of the view of Paris from Notre Dame.

  22. Wow, what a stunning church. I have had Berlin on my list for years but I really must visit soon, it looks stunning. It always amazes/freaks me out that all these royals and priests choose to lay to rest in tombs under these massive cathedrals, so dark and cold (and did I say spooky ha).

  23. Grand interiors! Most of the European cathedrals have similar grandeur in their interiors. I am yet to go to Berlin, hopefully I will.

  24. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of the Berliner Dom from the inside. I've only ever seen it from the outside. Guess I'll have to change that next time I'm in Berlin ;)

  25. What I truly admire is the willingness of the community to help restore the broken Dom after WWII and still not forget what happen befor. This Dom symbolizes unity and peace, and that makes it more beautiful.

  26. Beautiful church this Berliner Dom. Perfectly restored after being destroyed. The paintings in the interior are gorgeous. This will definitely be on my list should we visit Berlin in the future.

  27. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos! I like that you have both views of the top and from the crypt. I saw the outside of Berliner Dom when I was in Berlin, but not the inside. I will have to make sure to go inside next time I am in Berlin!

  28. It's such a beautiful church, I love the architecture and all the paintings. I'd love to visit it one day it looks amazing

  29. I love ornate churches. You can feel the power and reverence there that is celebrated with such glorious art. We always travel with the kids and they are in awe of the decoration. We discuss mosaics and how some of the art was made without a pattern drawn...the artist just had an image in his head and was able to create such a masterpiece. Isn't that incredible? I find it hard to draw and impressive straight line!! LOL!

  30. No wonder it took a long time for the church to be repaired... the result is really fantastic! It's like it's never been bombed at all! And those wall and ceiling paintings, omigosh! It reminds me of the chapels/churches in Rome. So grand and epic! How I wish I can visit these structures too. :)

  31. Berliner Dom is majestic but it has a cruel history. It is great to see that this beautiful church was restored to its former glory. Lovely photographs as usual :)

  32. i love the mosaic, i like arts and the dedication behind it. Someday I want to travel like you do and write about where Ive been.

  33. Historical churches all over the world often have beautiful architectures. The view at the first picture is just wonderful. It looks like a castle.

    ❀ Grace ❀

  34. The church looks splendid especially the work on the ceiling, paintings. And, 270 staircase sounds scary. Any idea why the church was attacked?

  35. Good to know that these amazing structures are all rebuilt. Sad that a country would encounter war/bombing and architectures will suffer

  36. Such an architectural inspiration. One day, I'll be seeing this beautiful and breath-taking place in person.

  37. Wow, Germany is a must visit then! I am not really familiar of how Germany looks like but sure that after seeing your post, it is a place to see indeed. It's just that tombs, was that for real?


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