Kew Gardens (London - England)

I visited Barbican Conservatory a few days back and came to know its London's 2nd largest conservatory. That obviously intrigued me to check out which is the largest one and I came to know its Kew Gardens which also was a UNESCO World Heritage Site. So obviously, I had to visit. 

This is located very very close to Richmond,this place is indeed vast. Area wise it is smaller than Richmond Country Park, but complexity-wise, its mind blowing and would take an entire day to see it all properly, with several places of interest scattered all over in a 300+ acre area! To begin with, from the railway station, I entered in through the Victoria Gate.

The first stop was Palm House and Glasshouse Walkway Marine Aquarium. Its a temperature and humidity regulated green house filled with plants and trees from tropical & subtropical regions. By indoor its not just plants, it was filled with trees incl Rubber, Vanilla, Coffee, Palm, Banana and many more in 2 floors. Water gets sprayed often and the feel inside was pretty much like India and I began to sweat!!!!
Also beneath this is an aquarium which housed some incredible water life from algae to fishes. Some of them were that I haven't seen in my life earlier incl Jelly fishes. Spotted Garden Eels grow about 30cm and live in burrows with heads poking out. The orange spotted diamond goby is a visual treat. The way it finds little shrimps by grabbing mouthfuls of sand and throwing it out through its gills.
These particular red algae contains pigments that helps them grow in deep water where hardly any sunlight reaches. The fish Mustard Tang is capable of changing is color to merge with other fishes!
Just in front of this building is the Syon Vista which is a visual treat, with trees on either sides and ground filled with white flowers it was gorgeous! Half way through is a waterbody with a beautiful curved bridge called the Sackler Crossing. I was sitting here for about half an hour during sunset and it was the most mesmerizing time ever!!! 

The Swan was indeed the king of the space and wouldn't let the geese in certain areas. Some coots were teaching their young ones how to swim! Infact, the geese were allover the premises sun bathing and relaxing. At times, the swans and geese did 'walk' atop water!
Pretty close to the Sackler Crossing on the other side is the Rhizotron and Treetop Walkway! This is a metal gauze walkway 18m above ground which can be accessed both by steps as well as lift.

Princess of Wales conservatory is another important section. This is much bigger than the Palm House. This is in several sections incl Arid region, Temperate region, Tropical region etc where the temperature and humidity are controlled specifically with plants of those specific regions. 
The most intriguing ones were the 'living stones' of arid region called Aizoaceae. This is from Africa and look like rocks to protect themselves.

The Temparate region has a typical rain forest look with water bodies in it and the flowers are incredibly colorful. Well, I managed to spot a romantic chameleon couple. A section was also dedicated to amphibians including poison dart frogs and turtles! Another section next to this was the Rock Garden where plants were on a rock formation.

Several sections of the premises had garden formations filled with multicolor tulips incl in front of the Palm House as well as Kew Palace.
The Kew Palace is a small 3 storeyed palace. It doesn't look anything like other castles or palaces, but more like a cottage or farm house for the royalties incl King George III, Queen Charlotte, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Augusta etc during c.1818. The original furnishing, wall papers etc maintained as they were. The Royal kitchen besides, has the utensils used since Victorian Era!!!
Well, the whole place requires an entire day and quite a bit of energy to explore. I did miss out certain sections of the garden in my more than half day exploration!

To Get There:
Nearest railway station: Kew
Entry Ticket: £15.00 
Available to buy online on their website.

P.S: I was invited by Kew Gardens to experience it for review purposehowever the opinions are my own and this post does not to advertise the product/service.

Dedicated to Venkat


An ardent traveler by passion. Being an ex - Art History Teacher, my area of interest especially lies in Nature and Heritage. Visited 85 UNESCO World Heritage sites as of June 2022. I've been listed among the Top 7 Women Travel Bloggers of India, Top 50 in UK. I have been interviewed in a couple of TV Shows, Radio Channels and Events as well. Read more about me and read the testimonials of different brands

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  1. lovely pictures...brings back memories of my visit :)

  2. These places are all visual treats. I'm looking for a location where we can shoot prenuptial pictures. This garden looks so ideal!

  3. Apart from historical places, I also like to visit sites that feature nature, like zoos and botanical gardens. I always enjoy reading your travel post. How I wish I an visit this place someday.

  4. Wow, this was very educational. I never knew fish could camouflage! Thanks for sharing, it definitely seems like a place I'd want to visit.

  5. OK I just love reading your posts because you keep sharing more places that I need to visit the next time I'm in London. Seems like I missed out on so much. Kew Gardens is going on my list for my next trip there.

  6. It's a huge garden to visit. It would really be fun and refreshing going around the Kew Gardens.

  7. Such a great refreshing treat it must be! London is power-packed with so many attractions ya..

  8. I love your pictures. The living stones looked very interesting. I would like to visit this place. Great post!!

  9. Such a beautiful view and lovely captured the place. London has got some most gorgeous places.

  10. I have heard so much about this garden and this is the first time I have read a blog about it. It gained much attention in our news because one of our politicians made a garden inspired by Kew.

  11. You really can't help but tour this place, it's so beautiful and it has so much to offer. I love that you start with a greenhouse and end up with a garden that's packed with beautiful flowers and more. That's so awesome.

  12. Visiting this Garden is one of my dreams! I really felt like I was there with you! :D

  13. That's funny that the swan was so territorial. I love the pics!

  14. This post reminded me of the Botany classes I had in high school where we had to observe the life in the ponds and waters. Gone were the days where we learn how to be observant and not be distracted with technology.

  15. I would love to come revisit London and explore this Kew Gardens again. I really missed seeing the swans and ducks and flowers blooming during spring time. Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures :)

  16. The Kew gardens are quite important in the history of Botany. It's perhaps the most important botanical garden in the world. Joseph Hooker (who succeeded his father), one of the men who ran the Kew was one of the world's greatest botanists, and adventurers, and a colleague of Charles Darwin. Hooker visited India, wrote about its flora, and introduced rubber plantations to Asia - India and Malaysia, among other things.

    If you go again, this note on the San Francisco botanical garden may be helpful -


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