Srirangam Ayiramkal Mandapam & Chakrathazhwar Sannidhi (Trichy - Tamil Nadu)

In the last post, you saw Seshagiri Rayar Mandapam. Just opposite to this is Ayiram Kal Mandapam. Ayiram means a thousand and Kal literally means leg, but here it means pillars. However this Mandapam has only 973 pillars. 
During festivities the remaining 27 pillars are planted out of wood! The sanctum sanctorum deep inside was empty and dark. A section of the mandapam is on an elevated platform. 
On the sides of this platform are wheels and horses! The horses are so realistic and esp., its rope looks like a real rope! 
The spokes of the wheel are depicted as humans! The wheel has its central axis detached from the wheel itself! Earlier this should have been rotatable... Now sadly, a cement flooring has fixated everything!
Another important place within the temple I'd like to share is the Chakrathazhwar Shrine. What captured my attention at this shrine were the pillars just outside the shrine. 
They were the typical 'Simha Thoon', a specialty of Pallavas, as seen in Mahabalipuram or Kanchi
The upper part of the pillars had some inscriptions. 

The central part was what that was astonishing. About 4 inches wide, all around the pillar were miniature reliefs. It reminded me of a very similar work but less intricate covering the entire pillar that I saw at Mallikarjunar Temple, Dharmapuri
Coming up with a few more shrines of Shrirangam that caught my attention....

Refer to my earlier post.

Dedicated to Prof. Swamination & co...


An ardent traveler by passion. Being an ex - Art History Teacher, my area of interest especially lies in Nature and Heritage. Visited 85 UNESCO World Heritage sites as of June 2022. I've been listed among the Top 7 Women Travel Bloggers of India, Top 50 in UK. I have been interviewed in a couple of TV Shows, Radio Channels and Events as well. Read more about me and read the testimonials of different brands

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  1. Nice works on the pillars.

  2. its been a ages since i saw this. just came to know from your post about that Ayiram Kal Mandapam (973+27). nice post.. interesting..:-)

  3. wow, this looks so magical! :)

  4. Nice pic.
    Ratha mantapa is unique in our arts. Especially the one at Darasuram. One more thing I can point out from my district is KunnandarKoil.

    Thanks for the good posts.

    1. So true!!! Thanks for your visit Ram. Do visit often! :)

  5. The pillars and sculptures are so artistic. What I love about these mandapams, is that they are really cool irrespective of how scorching hot it is outside.

  6. Well this looks like a fun adventure, I love the pictures it looks so beautiful! I also wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog. What do you think about following each other?

    Much Love,

  7. How beautiful <3
    Love the Pictures :)


  8. very interesting photos with details.don't laugh, since i haven't visited the temple except as a kid,would the missing 'thoons' have some significance in terms of 27 stars?
    best wishes for continuing endeavours

    1. 27 stars??? That's a unique thought. But I have no clue about that! :)

  9. Your post tempted me to visit this shrine. thanks a lot.

  10. Interesting details on the rock structures! Overall impressive!

  11. That's an impressive number of pillars. Nice shots!

  12. Awesome work Bhushavali. It's nice to see that someone did a photo story on this. I haven't had the chance to visit Srirangam yet :( So thanking you for the virtual tour.
    Also, it was very nice to click the details in those stone-carvings.

    1. Thank you so much Aditya! :)
      You must visit there. Guess you can sit there and do some drawings! :)

  13. I'm impressed by all the elaborate work on the pillars. I really like the beautiful, realistic horse!

  14. Sorry haven't read the post completely yet - dropped to basically wish you. Iniya Puthaandu Vaazhthukkal :)!


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