Kunzum Travel List 26-50 by Ajay Jain - A Review

You've already read my review of Delhi 101 by Ajay Jain. Here comes the another book by the same author. This time its titled - "Kunzum Travel List 26-50 - Surprisingly Wondrous Holiday Ideas!".
Well, same author, by default means, same writing style - very travelogue-ish and personal way.
This time, in this book, he has covered quite a lot of states, than being within a city like in his last book. Here's the list first of all - Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Nagaland, Assam, Maharashtra, Karnataka and....... guess what, Nepal! Nepal is very unique when it comes to Indians. Its not a foreign land, though its not within India. Nepal doesn't require Indians to carry a visa! All we need are other valid documents like driving license, voters id etc are enough, just like how we travel within India!!! Ajay has roamed about Nepal, and has written about its Eco Tourist spots, Hindu & Buddhist Heritage spots, and Textile towns too!!! I really wanna go to Nepal some day.... Let's see...
Anyways, back to India. I've never been to Rajasthan or Gujarat. I got a chance to venture to Gujarat on a weekend when I was in Mumbai, but I didn't. It wouldn't have resulted in giving justice to the place. I want to spend atleast a week in Gujarat and Rajasthan. My itenary seems to grow never ending as time passes by and I keep discovering new places there. Now, Ajay has contributed a few more into this list! 
The book begins with Shekhawati in Rajasthan! It talks about the Marwari culture and goes on talking about frescoes & murals, their restoration, antiques, spotting and shopping these antiques, and on and on. After Heritage-Tourism, it moves over to Eco-Tourism at Uttar Pradesh and its about Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary. The photography here is awesome - close ups of turtles, crocs, geese, and also bird flocks in flight and birds in flight catching prey!!!!!
The Gujarat section looks fabulous. You know how fabulous and one-of-a-kind it is, when the chapter starts with Patan and Patola Sarees and not Jaipur or Camels!!! Being a textile designer, Patola is pretty close to my heart! The author Ajay has been to the Patan village where Patola Ikat weaving happens, and has met the weavers and interacted with them! I'm so so glad!!! It further talks about Rann of Kutch, step wells, sun temple, Gir forest etc. Another thing very close to my heart about Gujarat is Indus Valley Civilization sites!
He's touched Maharashtra and Karnataka too in this book. Perhaps the only 2 places that tally in his list in this book and my travelogue are Belur & Halebidu
The best part of this book is the itenary he has proposed at the end of many of the chapters. He calls it the Kunzum Route. For eg., the Gujarat one is called Kunzum Route K22. It comes with detailed routes like a GPS with all 'turn right's and 'turn left's with km details, with a proposed 9 day itenary!!!
On an ending note, going back to the title of the book - 26-50??? Yup, there's another book for 1-25, which I haven't read yet!!! That's 25 more things to do in your travel itenary!!!
This book is priced at Rs.395/- and you can purchase this at http://ajayjain.com/kunzumtravellist/.

P.S: The book was gifted by the author/publisher for review purposehowever the opinions are my own and this post does not to advertise the product.


An ardent traveler by passion. Being an ex - Art History Teacher, my area of interest especially lies in Nature and Heritage. Visited 85 UNESCO World Heritage sites as of June 2022. I've been listed among the Top 7 Women Travel Bloggers of India, Top 50 in UK. I have been interviewed in a couple of TV Shows, Radio Channels and Events as well. Read more about me and read the testimonials of different brands

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  1. Very nice travel book. I'm dreaming of going to Nepal too...and India of course (it's on my bucket list). :)

    1. Do visit our Incredible India! You'll fall in love with this country! :)

  2. You seem to be a travel person. :)
    Nice blog you got!

    How about following each other? :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Magic Eye! Long time no C! Where have you been???!!!

  4. I think that the book is such a great buy. I have never been to India nor to Nepal. But those countries are definitely in my bucket list. At present, I would just like to concentrate on Asean countries where tourist visa is not required. I really admired you for having travelled to a number of countries already. Someday, I hope those countries to be also included in my blog post.


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